My dog is vomiting up flem with yellow and liquid diarea and very weak

  • Gas
  • Cleaning your dog’s feces is never the most enjoyable experience. But, if you have noticed not only a yellow color in the feces, but also an extremely unpleasant odor that you have not encountered before, your dog may have Giardia infection. What is Giardia?

    If you’re debating which one to use, substitute “who is” or “who has” in place of who’s/whose. If the sentence retains its meaning, the “who’s” is the correct form. If the sentence loses its meaning, then “whose” is the correct form. The long version is a little, well, longer.

    Mother breastfeeding

    Most dogs with diarrhea report a course that lasts two to four days, though some may require more time. If vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, or pain persists, an appointment with a veterinarian should be scheduled. What should you do if you suspect that your dog has diarrhea? A pet may become lethargic, have black or tarry diarrhea, or vomit; however, if the diarrhea persists for 48-72 hours, you should consult a veterinarian.

    Puppy diarrhea is mucusy

    Below are some of the most common reasons for diarrhea in dogs:

    “Jayden went for my fries, ignoring Anna’s narrowed gaze. “Thanks, babe.”
    “You two know each other?” Jo gestured between Jayden and me with her fork.
    Before I could nod, he dropped an arm over my shoulders. “She’s my bae.”
    I grinned.
    “Bae?” Keira sighed. “I hate that word. Do you know what it really means?”
    “Poop,” I answered without thinking. “In Danish.”
    My eyes widened. Holy crap. I’d spoken without hesitation at lunch! Holy crap! No one recognized my internal freak-out over it, but I couldn’t believe it. I sat there and spoke with no problem.
    I needed to give myself a cookie.
    Anna giggled. “Oh, man. I know. I know. Still think it’s a cute word.”
    Across from her, Keira rolled her eyes. “It literally means shit.”
    “Mallory is the shit, though.”
    ― Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Problem with Forever

    I do not know what to do and we need to feed him dry food! He eats very fast, does not chew kibbles and maybe, that is his problem, but I do not know how to slow him down. Every time we tried to switch food, we did it slowly and about a week or so – he started runs at about half a portion of dry food, half of soft food. Otherwise the puppy is always happy and active, whether he has diarrhea or not.

    If your dog has been diagnosed with a serious illness and is suffering from diarrhea, he’ll need your help to stay hydrated and healthy until he’s well again. For milder cases of canine constipation or intestinal upset (like when your pup ate something they shouldn’t have), you should keep an eye on his stools to make sure they’re not too loose or viscous for longer than 24 hours before seeking veterinary attention

    Ah, adolescence. It can be a trying time for any parent. And pet parents are no exception. Your puppy may have adopted some naughty behavior. Digging, chewing, shredding, and jumping are just a few pupular problems. If you haven’t already, this is a great time to enroll in an obedience class. Attending a quality training program will help reinforce the fact that you are the boss. Plus, your pooch will get more socialization time. And never underestimate the impawtance of daily exercise. It’s true what they say, a tired dog is a good dog!

    Regardless of the cause, giving your baby a diet that is formulated for sensitive stomachs can help bring your dog back to good health.

    dog in bathroom

    janeatte started this thread

    How to clean up dog diarrhea on carpet?

    The most important thing is that you not shame your dog for pooping in the house. It won’t help! I assure you that if a 13 year old dog poops in your house for the first time, it is certainly not because he wants to do it. And of course, you must keep your dog clean. I do not find that doggie diapers for pooping problems do anything more than make a mess. And there are actually ways to stimulate your dog to poop on your schedule so that there are fewer accidents in the house.

    Chinese Shar-Peis are another breed prone to a host of digestive issues. A rare genetic defect that prevents the absorption of the essential nutrient Cobalamin (B12) is more common in these dogs. B12 cannot enter the bloodstream through the intestinal lining leading to poor appetite, stunted growth, protein loss, and low red and white blood cell counts.

    Allow your dog access to grass later in the day.

    First, since human doses and doses for dogs are different, you need to know the correct dose to administer. Second, drug interactions can be dangerous so your veterinarian should review your dog’s medical record to prevent any adverse events. Third, many over-the-counter (OTC) medications are NOT safe for dogs Do not assume that drugs are safe for your dog just because they can be purchased without a prescription; making that assumption can lead to toxic effects.

    Dental diseases are common among dogs and the most common reason for their foul breath.

    When a bright diarrhea is accompanied with nausea but no vomiting, these are the likely causes and implications some of which have been mentioned above.

    Feeding bones is also another option. A couple of raw or dehydrated chicken or duck feet or wings (do not feed cooked – feed raw, dehydrated, or freeze-dried) may help.

  • Your dog may be given IV fluids to correct dehydration and replace lost electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride).
  • After 24 hours of fasting, you can give your canine friend serve your pooch with bland diet in small quantity 4 to 5 times in a day.

  • 1/2 a cup of cooked rice
  • Baby Food.
  • It typically takes at least a couple weeks of treatment and strict environmental management to clear the disease.

    Do not give your dog any human medications without direct veterinary discussion. Yes, there are lists online that will give you what look like perfectly good prescribed doses for imodium and pepto bismol, some of which might not hurt your dog. Or, they might mask the symptoms of a more severe disease or cause a stomach ulcer far worse than the diarrhea you’re treating. I strongly recommend you stick to the above home remedies of bland diet and probiotics until you are able to contact your family veterinarian.

    don’t feed him anything at all for at least 24 hours and only then a very little bland food (boiled fish or chicken and rice. allow him water in small amounts (no more that 6 laps) and repeat after 15-20 minutes. prepare a solution of a teaspoonful of salt and a tablespoonful of glucose (optional and do NOT use SUGAR) and once he has stopped being sick allow him s free access to this or if the diarrhoea and vomiting persists use this in place of water.
    Check he is keeping himself hydrated gums light salmon pink and silky not sticky. if the gums are any different then get him to a vet tonight. Any tackiness indicates dehydration and if he does not rehydrate within 2 hours then do get him seen tonight

    How long is too long for a dog to have diarrhea?

    In either case, dietary indiscretion allows bacteria and toxic substances to gain access into the blood causing a condition the vets termed”garbage toxicosis” or “garbage gut

  • Extra-foul smelling
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    Hi, I’m Jennifer. I’m a certified dog behavior specialist, board-certified veterinary technician, and owner of Absolute Excellent Pets. With more than 15 years of experience working directly with dogs, I specialize in helping clients understand why their dogs are doing the things they are doing and how we can help them reach their goals to keep their best friend happy, healthy and out of trouble.

  • Aggression. If your dog has become aggressive without a trigger, they could be anxious. In milder cases, dog aggression can manifest as increased irritability.
  • Sometimes it can simply take a couple days to adjust to the new medication. If that’s the case, try warming up your dog’s food before serving it to make it more appetizing. You can also experiment with hand feeding, or trying out a new brand of dog food.

    And these two nutrients may promote gas creation inside Fido’s tummy.

  • Prescription Dog Food. These foods are specially made for health problems that your dog might face. Ask your vet for the best prescription dog foods that might benefit your dog’s condition.
  • Q. What is dog stress diarrhea, and how do I know if my dog has it?

    Any changes in behavior, peeing and pooping, or physical appearance, no matter how slight, needs to be followed up with at least a phone call to your vet’s office.

    Becoming acquainted with the scent of your poop sounds less than appealing, but establishing what’s abnormal from your baseline can help determine when your bowel movements are especially rancid, Dr. Lee says. Here are some of the main causes of particularly bad-smelling poop:

    What happens in week 4 of a dog


    Common pain medications prescribed by vets include canine-approved NSAIDS, gabapentin, and opioids such as tramadol.

    Female dogs are only receptive to mating when they are in heat. Male dogs, however, are capable of breeding year-round. This means that your male dog, if left to his own devices, could impregnate many female dogs, adding to the number of unwanted dogs in shelters. Every year, millions of otherwise healthy dogs and puppies are euthanized because they don’t have homes. Neutering your own dog is a great way to be part of the solution.

    Similarly, your dog’s condition may have improved or worsened within that time frame, therefore, the more up to date the dog stool sample, the more accurate it will be to reflecting a dog’s current health state.

    Prevention of diarrhea in dogs

    Why Is My Dog Throwing Up?

    Bulldog eating food with dog probiotics.

    Why is my dog drooling all of a sudden?

  • Vacuum all the baking soda left on the surfaces.
  • Ingestion of foreign objects such as toys, bones, and fabric.
  • The facts about dog diarrhoea

    Consult Vet

    Diarrhoea In Dogs, A Common Issue With A Simple Cure. Here’s Dr Conor Brady with more.

    More on Conditions

    In the last week, Kobalt has had diarrhea every day. The last couple of days have been particularly bad (watery, mucus-filled, gassy episodes of diarrhea). We are only giving him rice and low-fat beef (he can no longer tolerate chicken). He has a big appetite and is not acting lethargic. It does not appear that he is absorbing any nutrients, because he is only losing weight. There is no vomiting associated with his symptoms, only diarrhea. He is drinking water.

    To avoid further complexity, you should seek veterinary help right away since it might be a symptom of serious sicknesses, such as cancer, different systemic infections, discomfort, liver issues, or renal failure.

    One of the most popular foods around the world is rice. But can dogs eat rice? The answer is yes. Rice is an ingredient sometimes found in commercial dog foods.

    Dog Food Preparation

    Foods that has the tendency to cause diarrhea in dogs

    I mix boiled sweet potatoes with meat and veggies for my two dogs. One rescue came with chronic ear infection. I was just told that the sweet potatoes would ad to the yeast infection. Is this true?
    Thank you

  • Feed smaller meals and …
  • Panting is the act of your dog opening their mouth and breathing heavily. You may see breath if they’re a bit overheated or it’s a cold day, and the tongue may hang out of the mouth to one side. Panting often occurs when your dog is excited, has been active, or is warm and trying to cool off.

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    Earle Nave is a wildlife conservationist and television personality. He is 27 years old, and he has dedicated his life to helping animals. He has been featured on numerous TV shows, and he is one of the world's leading experts on animal behavior. He has worked with some of the world's most endangered species, and he has helped to protect many of them from extinction. Earle is also an accomplished author, and he has written several books about wildlife conservation.

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